Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) arrive on campus with little if any teaching experience. How do they acquire the skills necessary to teach, manage and grade a class? Our GTA training program aims to help facilitate the transition of GTAs from student to instructor through a three-step certificate program.

Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) arrive on campus with little if any teaching experience. How do they acquire the skills necessary to teach, manage and grade a class? Our GTA training program aims to help facilitate the transition of GTAs from student to instructor through a three-step certificate program. The purpose of this session is to share our GTA Training Program requirements and procedures with emphasis on microteaching sessions. Guided by the presenter, participants will discuss and analyze how GTAs are trained and prepared for teaching experiences within their institutions.

Brief description of the POD Network and conference:
The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education is devoted to improving teaching and learning in higher education. Founded in 1976, POD provides its members with personal and academic relationships that are essential for professional growth.

Arkun, E. (2016). Preparing TAs for the Classroom: Transition from Student to Instructor. 41st Annual Conference of The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education. Louisville, Kentucky. November 11.