All of KOLT ’s activities are guided by a focus on effective learning. We strive to support all teaching and learning approaches that contribute to effective learning as documented by valid educational research. Most effective teaching and learning approaches emphasize active student engagement as a key that promotes learning.Based on the research effective learning happens when students
We are committed to develop a learning environment that help KU students to learn effectively and gain the necessary skills of their domains. Thus, as KOLT, we support advancement of teaching and learning methods that vary from teacher to teacher, subject to subject, and student to student. We also support the development of curricula that promote active learning by providing structured opportunities for these activities. KOLT has also acknowledged the indispensable role of digitalization in effective learning by assuming a key responsibility in pedagogy and technology integration at Koc University. KOLT follows recent trends in digitalization, especially in artificial intelligence to be able to inform policies and advance practices at Koc University. To learn more about AI use at the university, you can visit Koç University Policy Statement Regarding the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools (ChatGPT or other similar tools).