Prof. Dr. Funda Yağcı Acar
Dr. Zuhal Zeybekoğlu
Koç University Office of
Learning and Teaching (KOLT) Director
Assoc. Prof. Evrim Didem Güneş
College Administrative Sciences and Economics (CASE)
Assist. Prof. Murat Kuşçu
College of Engineering (CE)
Prof. Dr. Sinan Ünver
College of Science (CS)
Assoc. Prof. Suncem Koçer
College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH)
Assist. Prof. Cem Veziroğlu
Law School (LAW)
Assoc. Prof. Tuba Mutluer
School of Medicine (SOM)
Assist. Prof. Tuba Şengül
School of Nursing (SON)