KOLT FACULTY WEBINAR: “Educators’ AI Competencies for a Human-centred Use of AI”

Mutlu Çukurova

Guest Speaker: Mutlu Çukurova, Professor of Learning and Artificial Intelligence, University College London

Title:  “Educators’ AI Competencies for a Human-centred Use of AI” by Mutlu Çukurova, UCL

Date:  June 13 (Thursday)

Time: 1 pm

Place: Zoom

Registration Link: https://kocun.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItcuCpqjIoGNUzxrPidi7LrYKbW4k00yZp

Abstract:  The key distinctions between an emerging AI technological paradigm and previous technological paradigms necessitate the definition of a specific set of competencies for educators. In this talk, I will present the UNESCO’s AI Competency Framework for Teachers (AI CFT), a guide developed in response to the significant implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. The AI CFT aims to steer the use of AI in teaching and learning by guiding the professional development of teachers’ AI competencies. The framework is structured around five competency aspects: a human-centered mindset, ethics of AI, AI foundations & applications, AI pedagogy, and AI for professional development. It serves as a global framework for the proactive and lifelong professional development of educators at all levels for human-centered AI integration in education. It offers a reference for national or institutional AI competency frameworks, training programs, and supports the design of training courses on AI competencies for teachers. The framework refers to a set of values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills focused on adopting AI to facilitate learning in core subject areas other than teaching AI, ICT, and CS as subjects therefore aims to support Koç University faculty and support members to further utilize it in their professional development.