Fall 2023 KOLT Mid-Semester Course Evaluation

Dear Students,

This semester, online mid-semester course evaluations will be conducted via the Koc University Mobile Application and KU Portal from November 20 (10:00 a.m.) through November 30 (until midnight) 2023.

• To take the evaluation via KU Portal, please click on the following link https://kuportal.ku.edu.tr/ and sign-up and click on the Course Evaluation tab.

• Alternatively, download the new Koc University KUHub Mobile if you have not yet done so. Please follow the steps below to download the app and then evaluate your courses.

1. Download “Koc University” mobile application.

For iOS (iPhone/iPad-App Store): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ko%C3%A7-university/id1555469897
For Android (Play Store): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.edu.ku.newmobile&hl=en&gl=US

2. Select Course Evaluation.

3. View the list of courses for which you are registered for Fall 2023.

4. Choose your courses one by one.

5. Answer the questions.

6. Click Submit button.

Please note that the evaluation is anonymous and confidential. We value your input so please do fill out the evaluation forms.